събота, 8 август 2015 г.


Six years ago Shawn Bradley - known within the basketball world and also for his towering peak - and his wife Annette, envisioned doing something to help Rising Star Outreach. To all of you that consistently support the life-changing work of Rising Star Outreach, I thanks for placing Rising star programme on your seat belt of service — sharing your sources and love, and helping create for thousands the exceptional ripple effect of healing, self-sufficiency, and academic alternatives. Bear in mind to register for the Shawn Bradley Golf Invitational and Rising Star Outreach President's Brunch!

There may be still a lot to do, but who may have imagined that from those humble beginnings Rising Star would see such growth. Thousands of individuals and families have received medical care and been given a serving to hand to enterprise possession. In January of 2014, Rising Star Outreach President, Sally Learn hosted the first-ever Women-to-Girls volunteer session in Tamil Nadu, India.

At Rising Star, we imagine education is a gift - a gift that continues giving technology after technology. I firmly imagine schooling gives our Rising Star students life options that they never dreamed had been possible. Becky is anxious to reconnect with former and new mates and supporters of Rising Star Outreach. The ripples of their actions continue immediately as these concerned in Rising Star Outreach obtain the unimaginable.

This 12 months at the President's Brunch we welcome home Becky Douglas, founder of Rising Star Outreach. It will be thrilling to reconnect with her and have the chance to listen to concerning the remarkable progress of Rising Star. Speaking of outstanding happenings, each of the Rising Star Outreach graduates from twelfth Commonplace had excessive marks on their last exams and graduated from St. John's International Faculty. Rising Star congratulates Logeshwari, Karpagavalli, Sonya, Megala, and Monodhaya for their dedication and arduous work on this momentous achievement!